An Aviation Accidents Attorney in Las Vegas specializes in airplane, helicopter, and plane crash cases. The Las Vegas Aviation Accident Attorney works with the victims to get the compensation they deserve. Passengers of an aircraft trust the pilot to maneuver the aircraft to their destination safely.

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Best Las Vegas Aviation Accident Attorney

Anthony Paglia is the best Las Vegas Aviation Accident Attorney. He’s an award-winning attorney that’s helped countless victims seek justice. Airplanes and helicopters can easily reach over 25,000 feet in the air. So, if an accident happens, it leaves victims with serious injuries like traumatic brain injury, back and spinal injury, and even wrongful death.

Paglia has experience seeking a settlement from the pilot or airline responsible for the aviation accident. Injuries from an aviation accident can often leave you too hurt to work, which can negatively impact your way of living. When this happens, don’t settle for less! Let the best Aviation Accident Attorney in Las Vegas help your case.

However, when that trust is broken and causes injury, the victim should not suffer the consequences. An Aviation Accident Attorney in Las Vegas looks at every aspect of a case to ensure that victims get the justice they deserve. Anthony Paglia is a Personal Injury Lawyer that specializes in all accident cases, including aviation accidents. Contact Paglia today to get a case evaluation!

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Negligent homicide car crash for policy limits RESULT


Anthony settled a client's case for seven figures.
Click here to see the amount and other results Anthony worked hard for.

U-turn crash with a permanent shoulder injury RESULT


Anthony settled a client's case for six figures.
Click here to see the amount and other results Anthony worked hard for.

Dangerous Condition Fall with bilateral wrist, shoulder and neck injury RESULT


Anthony settled a client's case for seven figures.
Click here to see the amount and other results Anthony worked hard for.

Premise Liability RESULT

$950,000 Settlement

Truck Accident RESULT

$560,000 Settlement

Motor Vehicle Accident

$410,000 Settlement

Slip and Fall Accident RESULT

$400,000 Settlement

Car Accident

With Shoulder & Neck InjuriesRESULT$315,000 Settlement

Car Accident RESULT

$315,000 Settlement

Motorcycle Accident

$280,000 Settlement

Dog Bite

$100,000 Settlement

Free Personal Injury Consultation

Not sure if you have a valid claim to make in court? Visit us today and receive a FREE consultation for your personal injury claim. 

CALL: (702) 830-7070 Contact Us
How Safe Are Airplanes

How Safe Are Airplanes?

Traveling on airplanes is one of the safest forms of travel. Fewer airplane accidents are recorded compared to automobile accidents in Las Vegas. However, airplane accidents can leave a person with much more severe injuries than a car accident. A small fender bender can cause minor injuries like headaches or minor soreness. An airplane accident can cause catastrophic injury, traumatic brain injury, and even head injuries.

While airplanes can seem intimidating to travel in, you shouldn’t let them from stopping you from continuing to travel. Air travel is one of the safest forms of travel in the world. Aviation travel is highly regulated and monitored compared to driving.

Common Types of Aviation Accidents

An Aviation Accident Lawyer in Las Vegas specializes in all forms of aircraft accident cases. Flying an aircraft is much more regulated than getting a driver’s license. A pilot needs to go through the proper procedures and background checks before getting their license.

Since it’s heavily regulated, the pilot has a responsibility to the crew and its passengers. Don’t let a pilot’s or airline’s lack of responsibility ruin your life. Get the justice and compensation you deserve with the help of Anthony Paglia, Personal Injury Attorney.

These are common types of aviation accidents:

  • Airplane accident
  • Helicopter accident
  • Plane crash accident
  • Hot air balloon accident
  • Parachute accident
  • Skydiving accident
Common Types of Aviation Accidents
Airplane Accident Attorney In Las Vegas

Airplane Accident Attorney In Las Vegas

An Airplane Accident Attorney in Las Vegas looks at all aspects of a case. Before any pilot begins flying, they must have a certain amount of hours flying under supervision before they get their license. Once fully licensed, they must go through a routine flight checklist before their flight. When a pilot doesn’t do their checklist or is inexperienced, then mistakes can happen, which can cause serious injury.

All of these elements play a huge role in determining who’s at fault for the airplane accident. However, sometimes airlines may not be fully transparent in their reports to protect their end. An Airplane Accident Lawyer in Las Vegas speeds up litigation by holding pilots and airlines accountable for their mistakes.

Plane Crash Lawyer In Las Vegas

Plane crashes are life-changing changing events that can lead to wrongful death or catastrophic injuries. A plane crash can happen because of mechanical error, poor weather conditions, bad visibility, or human error. Whatever the cause may be, the victims shouldn’t have to suffer the consequences financially.

While money cannot compensate for your health, it can help with medical costs related to getting your health back on track or cover funeral expenses related to wrongful death. A Plane Crash Lawyer gets the settlement that the victims and their family deserves. Contact Anthony Paglia, an experienced Plane Crash Lawyer in Las Vegas.

Plane Crash Lawyer In Las Vegas
Helicopter Crash Lawyer In Las Vegas

Helicopter Crash Lawyer In Las Vegas

Studies have shown that helicopter crashes are twice as likely to happen during helicopter instructional flights compared to airplane flights. The Federal Aviation Administration reported 106 helicopter crashes in 2016. Seventeen of them were fatal accidents. A Helicopter Crash Lawyer in Las Vegas helps victims get justice for the pilot or airline’s mistake.

Some victims might not file a case if they were involved in a helicopter crash where a friend or significant other was the pilot. In this case, a Helicopter Crash Lawyer in Las Vegas may file a case against the insurance company and not the pilot. This helps to get the maximum settlement possible for victims.

Common Causes of Airplane & Other Aircraft Accidents

There are a number of factors that play a role in the cause of an airplane or aircraft accident. Dealing with these issues in the aftermath can be a lot for a victim or their family to handle. That’s why an Aviation Accident Attorney In Las Vegas handles the investigation so that victims can recover or grieve.

It’s never a good idea to speak on record without knowing the full details of the accident first. Anything you say can be used against you during court. Let a Las Vegas Aviation Accident Lawyer speak on your behalf so that your rights don’t get taken advantage of.

Here are the most common causes of airplane & aircraft accidents:

  • Pilot/human error
  • Poor visibility
  • Mechanical error
  • Bad weather/flight conditions
  • Failure to do a checklist
  • Air traffic controller error or negligence
Common Types of Aviation Accidents
Compensation For Las Vegas Aviation Crash Victims

Compensation For Las Vegas Aviation Crash Victims

If you’ve been involved in an aircraft accident, then don’t sit back while an airline company takes advantage of your situation. Get legal representation from an Aviation Accident Attorney in Las Vegas. They help victims get the full compensation they deserve.

While money cannot replace your health, it can assist with any medical treatments related to your health or covers unexpected funeral costs related to wrongful death. Anthony Paglia, Personal Injury Lawyer, is an award-winning attorney that’s helped countless victims get the justice they deserve. Be sure to talk to our Aviation Accident Lawyers team in Las Vegas for a case evaluation.


If you or someone you love has been injured in an accident, you deserve the best legal representation available. That’s where we come in. We’ve received virtually every award and accolade in the business.

Have a Wrongful Death Claim?

If you have lost a loved one and are considering filling a wrongful death suit, our firm can help get you the compensation you deserve.

No Win, No Pay Guarantee

We will work to get you the compensation you deserve. Our solemn promise to all our clients is that we don’t get paid unless you do!

Personal Injury Attorney Las Vegas Near Me

Our firm is proud to have over a 98% success rate, with over 100 million recovered for our clients throughout the years. Over 40 of those settlements have been in excess of 1 million dollars.



Our law office is ready to help you with all of your personal injury claims. Give us a call today and schedule your free consultation.

CALL: (702) 830-7070 Contact Us


Insurance companies are more concerned with their bottom line than minimizing a person’s injuries and emotional distress. Hiring us assures you will maximize your recovery.



DOG BITES Lawyer Las Vegas










HEAD INJURIES Lawyer Las Vegas


wrongful death Lawyer Las Vegas



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Las Vegas Personal Injury Lawyer FAQ - Anthony Paglia Injury Lawyer
Las Vegas Personal Injury Lawyer FAQ - Anthony Paglia Injury Lawyer

Frequently Asked Questions

How Many Aviation Accidents Are Caused By Human Error?

About 80% of aviation accidents are caused by human error. Although aviation accidents are very rare, human error plays a huge role in them like other forms of transportation accidents.

What Is The Difference Between An Accident And An Incident In Aviation?

An aviation accident is defined as an accident that results in injury or death that takes place between the time any person boards the aircraft or has disembarked mid-flight.

An incident, on the other hand, is associated with the operation of an aircraft which affects or could affect safety. This includes events such as smoke in the cockpit during a flight and minor damage to the equipment caused by turbulence.

How Much Can You Sue For An Airplane Crash?

Filing a lawsuit for an airplane crash may result in hundreds, thousands, and potentially millions of dollars, depending on the events and case.

Who Investigates Accidents In Aviation?

The Office of Accident Investigation and Prevention within the Federal Aviation Administration investigates all aviation accidents as it relates to the department National Transportation Safety Board.

How Long Does A Plane Crash Investigation Take?

Since plane crashes are federally investigated, they may take 12 to 24 months to complete.

Who Pays For Aviation Accident Investigations?

Aviation accidents are investigated by the government, so typically, it is paid through taxpayer dollars. No single person may be held responsible for costs.

Do Plane Crash Victims Get Compensation?

Yes, victims or the family of victims may be awarded compensation for a plane crash if the victim was not found at fault for the accident.

Can You Sue An Airline If It Crashes?

Yes, you can absolutely sue an airline if it crashes. However, it’s best to speak with an Aviation Accident Attorney in Las Vegas to determine the strength of your case.

What To Do After An Aviation Accident?

Always seek medical attention after an aviation accident. Afterward, speak with a Las Vegas Aviation Accident Attorney for legal representation.

Who Is Liable If The Aircraft Meets Ends An Accident?

The carrier or airline is responsible for the aircraft if it’s responsible for an accident. So, they must be responsible for any damages or compensation caused by their organization.