If you have been injured in a bicycle accident, it is important to find a Bicycle Accident Attorney Las Vegas who can represent your interests. A Bicycle Accident Attorney Las Vegas examines the information on different ways that bicycle accidents occur and how they are different from other types of accidents as well as what to look for when hiring a lawyer to represent you.

A common misconception about Las Vegas bicycle accidents is that they are very similar to motorcycle or car accidents. However, bicycle accident cases can be quite different from other types of personal injury cases. There are many factors that make bicycle accident claims unique in Las Vegas.

Most important among these is that bicyclists who suffer injuries due to another party’s negligence do not have the same protections as those afforded to vehicle operators and passengers involved in automobile collisions. Let a Bicycle Accident Lawyer in Las Vegas help your case! Call us today.

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Bicycle Accident Attorney Las Vegas - Anthony Paglia Personal Injury Lawyer

Experienced Bicycle Accident Attorney in Las Vegas Helping Victims

If you have been injured in a bicycle accident, it is important to find a lawyer who can represent your interests. A Bicycle Accident Lawyer in Las Vegas who is experienced in this area of the law can help you understand your legal options.

There are over 75 million bicycles sold every year worldwide with the United States leading this trend by purchasing nearly 49 million new bikes annually. You are likely to encounter more bicyclists on the roadways today than ever before competing with automobiles for space. Because of this, drivers need to be more careful when sharing the road with bicyclists.

Though there are many reasons why it is important to have an experienced Nevada bike injury lawyer, one compelling reason involves accidents between automobiles and bicycles. Drivers may not see a cyclist or be looking in the direction they intend to go; as such, drivers need to slow down and also scan the road diligently looking for cyclists who could be coming from behind another car or traveling beside (or about to pass) them. Moreover, drivers cannot weave in and out of lanes as fast as they used to; thus vigilant attention must still be paid to the roadway.

Drivers also must be especially careful while making turns; after all, a left hand turn by a driver can easily lead to disaster if not performed with great care. The typical car simply does not have the field of vision necessary to see what is around it in order to avoid hitting bicyclists who are obeying traffic laws and signaling their intentions to either go straight or make right or left turns.

If you or someone you know has been injured in an Nevada bicycle accident, please give us a call for a free, no obligation consultation. Our experienced bicycle accident injury lawyers in Las Vegas would be happy to discuss your legal options and advise you on how best to proceed so your rights are protected.

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Negligent homicide car crash for policy limits RESULT


Anthony settled a client's case for seven figures.
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U-turn crash with a permanent shoulder injury RESULT


Anthony settled a client's case for six figures.
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Dangerous Condition Fall with bilateral wrist, shoulder and neck injury RESULT


Anthony settled a client's case for seven figures.
Click here to see the amount and other results Anthony worked hard for.

Premise Liability RESULT

$950,000 Settlement

Truck Accident RESULT

$560,000 Settlement

Slip and Fall Accident RESULT

$400,000 Settlement

Car Accident

With Shoulder & Neck InjuriesRESULT$315,000 Settlement

Car Accident RESULT

$315,000 Settlement

Motorcycle Accident

$280,000 Settlement

Rear-End Accident

$101,000 Settlement

Dog Bite

$100,000 Settlement

Free Personal Injury Consultation

Not sure if you have a valid claim to make in court? Visit us today and receive a FREE consultation for your personal injury claim. 

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How Common Are Bicycle Accidents in Las Vegas?

Bicycle Accident Attorney Las Vegas - Anthony Paglia Personal Injury Lawyer

There are millions of bicycles sold every year worldwide, especially in the United States. You are likely to encounter more bicyclists on the roadways today than ever before – competing with automobiles for space. Because of this, drivers need to be more careful when sharing the road with bicyclists.

Unfortunately, a bicycle accident is a relatively common way for an avid or first time cyclist to experience a personal injury. Many injuries happen as a result of collisions with motor vehicles. Others may occur as the result of hazardous road conditions such as potholes, uneven surfaces and inadequate signage directing the flow of traffic.

It is difficult to make an accurate assessment about how many bicycle accidents occur on average in Las Vegas since there has been no formal study done by any government agency focusing exclusively on this issue. However, from some anecdotal evidence it can be inferred, through extrapolation based upon published statistics, that there were about 800 cyclists killed in single-car crashes in Nevada. That’s why a bicycle accident attorney in Las Vegas helps bring justice to victims.

What Are The Causes Of A Bicycle Accident

The majority of bicycle accidents result from a collision between a moving motor vehicle and a cyclist. For the most part, these crashes are caused by drivers who fail to recognize cyclists as being on the roadway. They may not see them or be looking in the direction they intend to go – as such, they need to slow down and scan the road diligently looking for cyclists who could be coming from behind another car or traveling beside (or about to pass) them.

There are other factors which can lead to bicycle accidents in Las Vegas including hazardous road conditions, defective equipment malfunctions/failures, negligence on behalf of riders themselves and poor weather conditions. However, it should be pointed out that there are statutory protections available under Nevada law for cyclists injured in accidents – and if their injuries or head injuries were the result of any of the above, they may be able to sue and recover money damages.

Each case is unique and may apply different laws according to the situation as it unfolded. Let an experienced Las Vegas bicycle accident lawyer help with your case.

How to File a Claim for Motorcycle Accident Injuries

Motorcyclists and automobile drivers may be able to make claims under their own insurance policies for both economic damages (i.e., lost wages) and non economic damages (i.e., pain and suffering). Injured bicyclists, however, face significant financial barriers because neither medical expenses nor lost income are covered by most current insurance policies. In most cases, a seriously injured bicyclist is unable to work and weathers enormous medical debts while waiting for their case to resolve. A bicycle accident attorney in Las Vegas may assist a victim claim compensation for their injury.

In addition, unlike motor vehicle drivers, bicyclists have no practical way of screening negligent motorists before entering a roadway or intersection. This problem arises because cyclists do not have the power of a motor vehicle engine behind them, which means that they cannot enter an intersection or cross a road safely if there is any oncoming traffic.

All of these factors can make it difficult for a cyclist to successfully pursue full compensation for injuries sustained in any motorcycle accident or bicycle accident, even if the other party was clearly at fault.

What Are Common Injuries Sustained By Cyclists Accident Victims?

Those who are involved in accidents while on bicycles can often suffer serious injuries ranging from fractures, concussions, internal organ damage to traumatic brain injury. Some individuals have had limbs amputated after being struck by vehicles. Others have incurred permanent spinal cord injuries requiring constant care for the rest of their lives.

It is important to note that cyclists are just as vulnerable today as motorists when it comes to personal injury litigation, making them eligible for compensation for pain and suffering associated with bicycle accident injuries. Contact a Las Vegas bicycle accident lawyer immediately following your accident.

Bicycle Accident Attorney Las Vegas - Anthony Paglia Personal Injury Lawyer

Who Is Liable For Cyclist Injuries When Involved In An Accident?

When a rider is injured as the result of another driver’s negligence, it may be possible for him or her to recover compensation from the at fault party’s insurer. However, many times there are disputes about who was responsible for causing an accident and who should pay – which can lead to lengthy and expensive litigation. However, Anthony Paglia, Personal Injury Lawyer, doesn’t get paid unless you do. He’ll do everything to get the compensation you deserve.

The fact that drivers and cyclists share the road with each other does not mean they have equal rights under Nevada law – because motor vehicles operators retain more rights than cyclists do. They also have more resources at their disposal (in terms of insurance coverage) with which to fight personal injury claims resulting from bicycle accidents. This means that unless you retain the services of a bicycle accident attorney in Las Vegas to fight for your legal interests, you may not be able to get the compensation to which you are entitled.

Bicycle Accident Attorney Las Vegas - Anthony Paglia Personal Injury Lawyer

When Is The Best Time To Hire A Personal Injury Lawyer?

The best time to seek help from a qualified personal injury attorney is right after you or another cyclist has been injured in an accident. The more quickly he or she can get involved, the sooner they will be able to take steps on your behalf against those responsible for causing your injuries and losses. This will also afford them with the opportunity satisfy any applicable statutes of limitations before it runs out – allowing them the chance to file suit if need be.

The longer you wait to hire a bicyle accident lawyer, the fewer legal options he or she will have available on your behalf. So if you are interested in suing for damages but have not yet spoken with an attorney about filing a personal injury claim, it would be best to call Anthony Paglia as soon as you can because time may be of the essence under Nevada law.

What Does A Personal Injury Lawyer Charge For Their Services?

Most bicycle accident attorneys in Las Vegas bill their clients on a contingent basis – meaning they do not collect attorney fees unless and until they win a favorable settlement or jury award in court. This allows individuals who would otherwise not be able to afford legal services to pursue claims against at fault parties without having financial concerns hold them back from hiring experienced representation.

It also means that there is no upfront fee for legal services, making it easy and affordable (in many cases) for injured cyclists to retain high quality counsel for their personal injury claims.

What Can A Personal Injury Lawyer Do For You?

There are many things a skilled bicycle accident lawyer can do for their injured clients – including advocating their interests and rights throughout all phases of criminal and civil litigation.

This may include compiling evidence (through witness interviews and investigation), making arguments in court proceedings, negotiating out of court settlements andigating against those responsible – as well as working with your insurance provider to ensure you get the compensation to which you are entitled.

Why Should We Handle Your Bicycle Accident Case?

Anthony Paglia has been fighting for accident victims’ rights in Nevada. We know how to identify and hold negligent drivers accountable for their actions on the road – which is why countless cyclists (and their families) throughout town rely on our expertise to get them fully compensated for every kind of bicycle accident claim under Nevada law.

If you or someone you love has been injured as a result of another person’s negligence, it would be wise to contact us right away – before taking any legal action of your own. Doing so will allow our law firm the necessary opportunity to investigate your case and determine who was at fault. This allows us to build an effective argument on your behalf early on.

One of our experienced bicycle accident attorneys in Las Vegas would be happy to discuss your case with you during a free, no-obligation consultation over the telephone. If it so happens that we are unable to take your case, we will do our best to refer you to another personal injury attorney who has extensive knowledge representing cyclists injured in accidents all throughout Nevada.

Bicycle Accident Attorney Las Vegas - Anthony Paglia Personal Injury Lawyer
Bicycle Accident Attorney Las Vegas - Anthony Paglia Personal Injury Lawyer

In addition to abiding by general traffic laws, riders are required to follow specific bicycle laws – including prohibitions against carrying items which could potentially impede their ability to operate safely. For example, when riding at night, cyclists must equip their bicycle with a white light in front and a red light or reflector in back.

Las Vegas Bicycle Accident Laws

Bicycles are required to follow the same traffic rules on the road as any other motor vehicle. This means that cyclists must obey traffic signals and stop signs while riding on public streets and roads – while also abiding by Nevada’s rules of the road.

This list is not exhaustive as there are many more rules a rider must abide by. Additionally, there may also be additional penalties depending on the severity of the infraction(s).

Some bicycle accident laws include:

  • Riders must always keep one hand on the handle bars, even when carrying items;
  • Bicycles can be operated on Nevada’s roadways and within its bike lanes;
  • Riders should never attach themselves to other vehicles or ride in between lanes of moving traffic;
  • Rider must always ride as far to the right on road as possible;
  • Rider must ride their bicycles in the same direction as traffic.

What Damages Can I Recover?

Once you have proven that an individual violated Nevada’s negligence laws and caused you harm, the next step is quantifying your damages. The court will then award you a sum of money equal to the current value of your bodily injuries, pain and suffering, reduced life expectancy, disfigurement, mental anguish, lost wages, loss of earning capacity and any other economic loss resulting from the crash.

On top of these compensable items, you may also be eligible to receive damages for non economic components such as loss of marital relations or companionship, mental distress, emotional pain and suffering not related to physical injury. However, this is only if you can prove that your spouse’s injuries were so severe they would no longer be able to participate in sexual relations without causing them additional harm (i.e. due to bodily scarring).

The best way to determine what kind of compensation you will need is by consulting with one of our experienced Las Vegas personal injury attorneys. They will be able to explain exactly where each aspect of your claim stands and will be able to provide you with an estimate of what kind of damages you can expect to receive.

Once this is done, they will create a lawsuit on your behalf, hire the necessary experts (i.e. medical doctors) and take care of all paperwork required by the court in order for you to receive compensation for your injuries as quickly as possible. Let our experienced bicycle accident lawyers in Las Vegas help your situation! Contact us today for a case evaluation.

What Do I Need to Do to Win My Las Vegas Bicycle Accident Lawsuit?

When building a personal injury case in Nevada, it is commonly understood that the plaintiff will need to prove the defendant is responsible for their crash through means of negligence.

If you have been injured in an accident, take pictures! If possible, use your cell phone to photograph the scene and any injuries you have sustained. Make sure to never alter the original photo – just make copies to show investigators. Also, note down what you remember about the driver’s physical appearance (sex, race, approximate age) as well as their vehicle (make/model/color). It is also wise to be mindful of where exactly the crash occurred – getting this detail wrong can significantly affect your case later on down the line.

Finally, find witnesses who were in the area at the time of your accident. Make sure to get contact information in case you need them later on for trial, and be sure to write down what they saw as well (Did it occur during darkness? Was there rain or fog?). Remember that witnesses are an important part of personal injury cases; especially when proving responsibility. Lastly, contact a bicycle accident attorney in Las Vegas to help you.

Bicycle Accident Attorney Las Vegas - Anthony Paglia Personal Injury Lawyer

Some examples of negligent actions that can cause a bicycle accident:

  • Drivers failing to signal lane changes or turns.
  • Turning without using their turn signals.
  • Making wide right-hand turns from the left lane.
  • Failing to yield when turning right at intersections.
  • Running red lights in order to make a right-turn in front of oncoming traffic.
  • Pulling out in front of moving traffic when exiting a parking lot or driveway.
  • Failing to yield when entering the roadway from an alley, private road or driveway.

The definition of negligence is:

Negligence consists of (a) Failure to use reasonable care; and (b) That such failure was a proximate cause of damage sustained by another. A person injured in any accident caused by the negligence of another may recover damages from [any] person who by his or her neglect contributed to the injury.

In layman’s terms this means you must show that the other party failed to complete one or several acts they owed you as a duty under Nevada law, and that doing so directly led to your injury.

Bicycle Accident Attorney Las Vegas – We Have the Experience

If you or someone close to you has recently been injured in a bicycle accident, call the best Las Vegas bicycle attorney for your free case review. Our legal team is composed of experienced attorneys who understand exactly what it takes to win cases involving personal injury and negligence throughout Nevada.

Your Bicycle Accident Case Is Our Priority

Our Las Vegas law office has been dedicated to representing victims in Las Vegas. During this time we have claimed millions in settlements and awards for our clients while providing them with the personal attention they deserve.

When you work with Anthony Paglia your case will never get handed off to an inexperienced paralegal or secretary. You will be represented by one of our expert Las Vegas bicycle accident attorneys from beginning to end so that you can feel confident knowing that every aspect of your claim is being properly addressed.

Our Team Is the Best in the Las Vegas Valley

Our bicycle accident attorneys have over 25 years of combined experience in personal injury law, and our team has handled hundreds of cases both successfully and unsuccessfully. We know what it takes to win your case, and we will fight tirelessly on your behalf.

Call our Las Vegas office today for your free legal consultation! We will be happy to sit down with you and evaluate your claim at no cost or obligation.

Bicycle Accident Attorney Las Vegas - Anthony Paglia Personal Injury Lawyer

Our firm is proud to have over a 98% success rate, with over 100 million recovered for our clients throughout the years. Over 40 of those settlements have been in excess of 1 million dollars.



Our law office is ready to help you with all of your personal injury claims. Give us a call today and schedule your free consultation.

CALL: (702) 830-7070 Contact Us


Insurance companies are more concerned with their bottom line than minimizing a person’s injuries and emotional distress. Hiring us assures you will maximize your recovery.



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Las Vegas Personal Injury Lawyer FAQ - Anthony Paglia Injury Lawyer
Las Vegas Personal Injury Lawyer FAQ - Anthony Paglia Injury Lawyer

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I be found at fault for my bicycle accident?

Yes, you can be found at fault for a bicycle accident. Always speak with a Bicycle Accident Attorney in Las Vegas about your case. They have the knowledge and experience to protect your rights.

Are there bicycle laws in Las Vegas?

Yes, there are a number of bicycle laws in Las Vegas.

  1. A cyclist must abide by the same traffic laws as motorists.
  2. Cyclists can ride in a traffic lane but must ride as far right as possible.
  3. Riders must go in the same direction as traffic.
  4. Cyclists must use hand signals to turn or stop.
  5. Riders are not required to wear helmets, but it is recommended.
  6. Cyclists must keep one hand on the bar when riding.
What if a person leaves a bicycle accident?

If a motorist leaves a bicycle accident then it becomes a hit-and-run crime scene. Any active crime scenes must be reported to the police and to a Bicycle Accident Lawyer in Las Vegas.

Should I report my bicycle accident?

Yes, you should report your accident to the police and a Bicycle Accident Attorney in Las Vegas.

What are common injuries from a bicycle accident?

Common injuries from a bicycle accident may include:

  • Wrongful death
  • Traumatic brain injury (TBI)
  • Head injury
  • Broken bones, ligaments or tendons
  • Catastrophic injury
  • Concussions
  • Emotional distress or other mental health issues
  • Back & spinal injuries
Who pays for my medical bills for my injury?

The person responsible for the bicycle accident must be able to pay for any medical costs or lost wages from the accident.

Can a cyclist file a claim against an insurance company?

Yes, a victim can file a claim against an insurance company. However, the victim needs the help of a Bicycle Accident Lawyer in Las Vegas to get the maximum settlement possible.

What causes a bicycle accident?

Negligent, reckless or drunk driving are the usual factors that cause a bicycle accident. Never let someone else’s mistake ruin your life. Contact a Bicycle Accident Attorney in Las Vegas.

Can I get compensation for my bicycle accident?

Yes, you may be able to receive compensation for your bicycle accident. Consult with a Bicycle Accident Attorney in Las Vegas to get the maximum settlement possible.

How long should I wait to file my claim?

Never wait to file a claim for your bicycle accident. However, under Nevada law, a person has two years to the date of their injury to file their claim.