Anthony Paglia is a Las Vegas Underinsured/Uninsured Coverage Attorney that works hard for his clients. A Las Vegas Underinsured/Uninsured Coverage Attorney specializes in holding insurance companies responsible for their driver’s actions. Under Nevada law, every driver must have liability insurance for their vehicle. Liability insurance covers $25,000 in bodily injury per person, $50,000 in bodily injury per accident, and $20,000 in property damage. This type of insurance coverage only covers the other vehicle damaged and not your vehicle.

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Filing A Claim Against Your Insurance Company

What do you do if you’ve been in a car accident where a driver doesn’t have insurance? To avoid this situation a lot of insurance companies provide underinsured/uninsured coverage. This coverage is not required but many drivers opt-in to avoid future headaches. It covers any injuries or damages when another driver doesn’t have enough coverage or doesn’t have insurance. Each underinsured/uninsured policy holds a specific amount of coverage to help their drivers. When an insurance company isn’t helping their client then the best bet is to file a claim against your own insurance company with the help of a Las Vegas Underinsured/Uninsured Coverage Attorney.

A Las Vegas Underinsured/Uninsured Coverage Lawyer specializes in dealing with insurance companies or hit and run accidents. Most insurance companies use tactics to avoid paying the maximum settlement a victim deserves. A Las Vegas Underinsured/Uninsured Coverage Attorney recognizes these tactics and prevents them from overtaking your case. Building your case takes time so a Las Vegas Underinsured/Uninsured Coverage Lawyer gathers every bit of information to strengthen it.

However, a Las Vegas Underinsured/Uninsured Coverage Lawyer files a claim against the other driver that was responsible for your accident. Remember, Nevada law requires every driver to have liability insurance. A Las Vegas Underinsured/Uninsured Coverage Lawyer understands every insurance law so that their client gets back to their normal life. Each insurance policy holds a specific amount of coverage that victims are entitled to.

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Negligent homicide car crash for policy limits RESULT


Anthony settled a client's case for seven figures.
Click here to see the amount and other results Anthony worked hard for.

U-turn crash with a permanent shoulder injury RESULT


Anthony settled a client's case for six figures.
Click here to see the amount and other results Anthony worked hard for.

Dangerous Condition Fall with bilateral wrist, shoulder and neck injury RESULT


Anthony settled a client's case for seven figures.
Click here to see the amount and other results Anthony worked hard for.

Premise Liability RESULT

$950,000 Settlement

Truck Accident RESULT

$560,000 Settlement

Motor Vehicle Accident

$410,000 Settlement

Slip and Fall Accident RESULT

$400,000 Settlement

Car Accident

With Shoulder & Neck InjuriesRESULT$315,000 Settlement

Car Accident RESULT

$315,000 Settlement

Motorcycle Accident

$280,000 Settlement

Dog Bite

$100,000 Settlement

Free Personal Injury Consultation

Not sure if you have a valid claim to make in court? Visit us today and receive a FREE consultation for your personal injury claim. 

CALL: (702) 830-7070 Contact Us
Getting The Monetary Compensation You Deserve

Getting The Monetary Compensation You Deserve

It is never too late to file a claim for your automotive accident. Under Nevada law, a person has two years to the date of their injury to file a claim. However, you should speak with a Las Vegas Underinsured/Uninsured Coverage Lawyer immediately after your accident. A Las Vegas Underinsured/Uninsured Coverage Attorney may get eyewitness accounts of the accident. However, over time, people’s memory naturally fades away. When the facts aren’t told as they should then this may affect your case.

Getting representation from a Las Vegas Underinsured/Uninsured Coverage Lawyer only helps your case. Oftentimes, insurance companies will try to speak with a victim directly to settle a claim before it reaches a courtroom. It is never a good idea to speak with an insurance company directly without the supervision of a Las Vegas Underinsured/Uninsured Coverage Attorney. Contact Anthony Paglia to get the justice and compensation you deserve.

How Can An Underinsured/Uninsured Motorist Affect Me?

An underinsured/uninsured motorist can affect you in several ways. For one, not having enough insurance coverage or not having insurance prevents you from paying vehicle damages and medical costs. However, underinsured/uninsured coverage from your insurance can help pay for those costs. Whenever an insurance company isn’t paying its fair share then filing a claim against it may help the victim. Any passenger or family member from the accident may be eligible for compensation. This means a Las Vegas Underinsured/Uninsured Coverage Attorney pursues the insurance company of the driver responsible for the accident and possibly your own.

Pursuing two insurance companies may maximize the total compensation a victim is entitled to. This is especially the case for multi-vehicle accidents where there’s more than one insurance company. Accidents can force someone to take time off of work. When a person isn’t steadily working then their financial stability may be affected. A Las Vegas Underinsured/Uninsured Coverage Lawyer seeks justice for victims. While money cannot replace a person’s health it can help with any costs related to the accident. Getting help is the first tip after an automotive accident.

How Can An Underinsured Uninsured Motorist Affect Me
What Underinsured Uninsured Coverage Pays For

What Underinsured/Uninsured Coverage Pays For

  • Vehicle damage
  • Medical bills
  • Vehicle repairs
  • Medical treatments
  • Pain & suffering
  • Permanent disability & disfigurement
  • Lost wages

First Offense For Driving Without Insurance in Las Vegas

  • $250 – $1,000 fines depending on the time without insurance
  • $250 reinstatement fee
  • Vehicle may get impounded
  • Suspended registration until reinstatement fee is paid
  • Filing an SR-22 form if haven’t had insurance for more than 90 days

Second Offense For Driving Without Insurance in Las Vegas within Five Years

  • $500 – $1,000 fines depending on the time without insurance
  • $500 reinstatement fee
  • Vehicle may get impounded
  • Filing an SR-22 form if haven’t had insurance for more than 90 days

Third Offense For Driving Without Insurance in Las Vegas within Five Years

  • $500 – $1,000 fines depending on the time without insurance
  • $750 reinstatement fee
  • Vehicle may get impounded
  • Filing an SR-22 form
  • Drivers license suspended
Second Offense For Driving Without Insurance in Las Vegas within Five Years
Speak With A Las Vegas Underinsured Uninsured Coverage Attorney About Your Case

Speak With A Las Vegas Underinsured/Uninsured Coverage Attorney About Your Case

Always speak with a Las Vegas Underinsured/Uninsured Coverage Lawyer regarding your case. A Las Vegas Underinsured/Uninsured Coverage Attorney understands how insurance laws work in Nevada. Getting the maximum settlement possible is the goal for your case. Money doesn’t replace a person’s health, but it can help with repairing your vehicle and paying medical bills.

No one should have to suffer because of the negligence of another driver’s actions. Accidents may cause wrongful death, traumatic brain injuries (TBI), back and spinal injuries and other negative health conditions. A Las Vegas Underinsured/Uninsured Coverage Lawyer gathers all the facts to help your case. By getting the facts straight then it reinforces your case for monetary compensation. Contact Anthony Paglia who’s an experienced Las Vegas Underinsured/Uninsured Coverage Attorney.


Accidents can happen anywhere and anytime. When that happens call Anthony Paglia! He’s an experienced Las Vegas Underinsured/Uninsured Coverage Attorney that holds drivers accountable. You should not be billed for someone else’s driving mistake.

Best Las Vegas Underinsured/Uninsured Coverage Attorney

Anthony Paglia is one of the best Las Vegas Underinsured/Uninsured Coverage Attorneys. Understanding insurance laws can get tricky, that’s why Paglia is an expert in these types of laws. Your medical and vehicle bills should be paid for by the driver responsible. Contact Anthony Paglia to get the settlement you’re entitled to.

Schedule A Consultation Today

Contact a Las Vegas Underinsured/Uninsured Coverage Lawyer about your case. If we don’t win your case then you don’t have to pay fees. Anthony Paglia has helped countless victims get the compensation they deserve.

Call Anthony Paglia Personal Injury Lawyer
at (702) 830-7070.

Personal Injury Attorney Las Vegas Near Me

Our firm is proud to have over a 98% success rate, with over 100 million recovered for our clients throughout the years. Over 40 of those settlements have been in excess of 1 million dollars.

Las Vegas Personal Injury Lawyer FAQ - Anthony Paglia Injury Lawyer
Las Vegas Personal Injury Lawyer FAQ - Anthony Paglia Injury Lawyer

Frequently Asked Questions

What does underinsured auto insurance mean?

Being “underinsured” means a person has auto insurance coverage, but the limits may not be high enough to cover the full expenses of an auto accident claim. A Las Vegas underinsured or uninsured auto coverage attorney will be able to tell you what kind of auto coverage you have if you don’t already know.

Is underinsured auto insurance the same as not having auto insurance?

Uninsured motorist insurance covers you if you’re in an accident with an at-fault driver who doesn’t carry liability insurance. Underinsured motorist coverage steps in when you’re in an accident with an at-fault driver whose liability limits are too low to cover the medical expenses of any injured people. An attorney like Anthony Paglia can assist if this happens to understand what to do.

What is the difference between underinsured and uninsured auto coverage?

The main difference between uninsured and underinsured auto coverage is whether the person who hit you has auto insurance to cover their actions in a collision. With underinsured auto coverage, you have to make two claims, one against the other driver, and one against your own insurer.

What happens if you’re an underinsured driver and get into a car accident?

Being underinsured means that you don’t have enough auto insurance coverage to protect you if your car is damaged or destroyed in an accident. Not having enough auto insurance can result in you paying a large part of the car’s repair and potentially having to face legal problems depending on the severity of the car accident.

How do you know if your car is underinsured?

Most people that are underinsured with their car insurance are aware they are underinsured. It’s often their own doing because they want to spend as little money as possible. You do have auto coverage even if you’re underinsured.

What underinsured auto coverage and uninsured auto coverage Pays For?

If you get hit by someone in Las Vegas who doesn’t have auto insurance, uninsured motorist coverage pays for your medical bills, lost wages, pain, suffering, and funeral expenses. In some states, uninsured motorist coverage will also cover your car damage. An underinsured or uninsured auto coverage lawyer like Anthony Paglia can help you in knowing what the coverage is going to pay for and what it won’t pay for.

How can an underinsured/uninsured motorist affect me?

Underinsured or uninsured auto coverage is designed to cover you and the people in your car for medical bills, lost wages, pain, and suffering if you’re in an accident caused by someone who doesn’t have insurance or enough insurance to cover all costs of the accident.

Will my insurance go up if I use an uninsured motorist claim?

Auto insurance companies are not allowed to raise rates or drop a person because they made an uninsured motorist claim. Your auto insurance coverage shouldn’t go up. If the auto insurance goes up you can call your insurance company to find out the reasoning behind the raised price. Anthony Paglia can also assist you with this.

Does liability cover uninsured motorists?

Underinsured motorist coverage steps in when you’re in an accident with an at-fault driver whose liability limits are too low to cover the medical expenses of any injured people. If the person is insured then liability should cover the uninsured if they are not the responsible party of the accident.

What happens if I’m underinsured?

If you have underinsured auto coverage, your insurance company will cover the bare minimum. Drivers without adequate auto coverage face serious legal consequences in Las Vegas. An underinsured or uninsured auto coverage attorney like Anthony Paglia will help you if you’re involved in an auto accident.

What should I do if I’m involved in an auto accident and I’m uninsured?

The first thing to do is to call emergency medical services if anyone has a significant injury, also call local law enforcement. You should exchange information with anyone involved in the auto accident. You must stay at the auto accident scene. If you’re not insured or you’re underinsured call, Anthony Paglia, explain what happened and he can assist you further if you have no idea what to do.

Should I talk to the person who hit me if I’m uninsured or underinsured?

If you get into an auto accident. No matter who the other person is. You should always call the police. You should if you can get out of the car tell the other person or people who were involved that the local police have been called and if they are hurt you should also call the paramedics.

Do not leave the scene until an officer says it’s okay. Don’t talk to the person who hit you about the accident though. It’s fine to say sorry but don’t go into detail. The police will tell the other people involved whether you are uninsured or underinsured. Anthony Paglia can also help in cases like this.



Our law office is ready to help you with all of your personal injury claims. Give us a call today and schedule your free consultation.

CALL: (702) 830-7070 Contact Us


Insurance companies are more concerned with their bottom line than minimizing a person’s injuries and emotional distress. Hiring us assures you will maximize your recovery.



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